Oh, yes! It is finally here! The moment we finish the turkey, the realization begins to become clear, it’s time to prepare for Christmas! This year people around the country fled to the stores in record numbers. The sales were great, everything from TV’s, computers, DVD’s, furniture, and so much more. The excitement and drive was overwhelming. Finally, the sight of seeing Christmas stuff in stores, and hearing Christmas music, brings joy, instead of complaints. Christmas time is finally here! Or is it?!
What exactly is Christmas suppose to be about? On that very first Christmas, the world received the greatest single gift ever given, a Savior. John 3:16-17 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” Therefore, the true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of this incredible act of love. You see, out of gratitude for what God did for us, we should remember His birth each year by worshipping Him, and showing the love He showed us to those who have not heard, the Good News.
But is that what we do? It seems so often we lose focus on what we claim we stand for. Black Friday is not necessarily a bad thing, but so often we rush to get ourselves new stuff. Yet, that is not what Christmas is about. It’s not about feeding your own desires. I could not help but think on Friday, imagine for a moment the lasting impact, that Christians, could have on a lost world, if we were to get as excited about worshipping God, as we do Black Friday. But, sadly we don’t.
We have this whole attitude that Christmas time shouldn’t start till a couple weeks or so before the actual day. But, God Himself, sent His Son to save the world! This is not something to take lightly. Granted the worldly view of Christmas time and Christians views are different. But, it doesn’t seem right to think that a lost world would want to start celebrating and preparing for Christmas, sometimes as early as October. But, the very ones who have accepted and received the greatest Gift want to limit the celebration.
It’s time to stop giving into the world and letting Satan win. It’s time to take Christmas back and make it what it is suppose to be all about. Most churches, will have a candlelight service on Christmas Eve this year. Tons of people, will attend, many of them for the first time. They will sing, hear a message, and be on their way all in about an hours time. Seriously? Christ came to this world, to give us eternal life, and we give an hour of praise to Him for it?!
There are two things that have always puzzled me. One being the fact that there is no offering time at this particular service. To think that we have no problem spending hundreds of dollars on ourselves, friends and family, but then fail to give to the One who gave us EVERYTHING we have, it just blows my mind. Also, Christmas is usually a time spent with family, as it should be. But, if Christmas is suppose to be solely about Christ, then why is there no church? Imagine the measures that would speak if on a Saturday afternoon, hundreds of Christians came together to lift up the name of their King!
The idea of gift giving on Christmas is taken from Scripture, in Matthew 2:10-11, “When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and incense and of myrrh.” We too, will buy gifts this year for those that we care about. But, think for a moment, if Christ was on Earth right now, who would He buy gifts for. Christ came to save us, sure maybe He would get His followers something, but really He already gave them something, His Love. Over and over it speaks about Christ helping the poor, orphans, widows, the lost.
Several months ago, I made a commitment, to God, to you, and to myself. I committed to live a life where I constantly strived to live a life where I finished third. Jesus. Others. Me. Over this past year I have been saving my money, so that when Black Friday rolled around, I could go buy a flat screen TV. However, as I waited in line at Wal-Mart, I realized in that moment that I had shifted the focus to myself. Though, it is hard to give up what I want, I am giving that money to the FBCH. You see, for me personally, I really wanted a TV. But, as I have prayed for God to shape and form my heart and life to reflect Him, I am beginning to realize I already have everything I could possibly ever need.
There are 146 million orphans in the world, an estimated 30,000 children die due to starvation or preventable diseases each and everyday. Yet, our children not only are healthy, and have a family, but they are getting the best gifts money can buy this year. We have as a church shifted into the whole thinking, that Christmas is about receiving. It’s no longer, I will give a gift out of love, but I will find the best gift possible to make someone happy.
Satan, does not like the fact that you are reading this now, and I know as a Christmas gift to him, he would like nothing more than for you to just forget you even read this. Just do nothing, and keep celebrating Christmas the way you do every year. But, today, I ask you to join me. Step out in faith, and live a life where you strive for third. Let this Christmas be the one where you make it all about God. Focus on the heart of God, and follow His lead. Today, make that commitment, to finish third. Once we get our priorities straight and get the focus back where it belongs, we will be able to live out the true meaning of Christmas everyday.