I am going to lose weight! I will start exercising and eating healthy! I am going to read my Bible everyday! It is that time of year again. Soon, it’s going to be posted all over Facebook and Twitter. It will be talked about amongst family and friends. Yes, 2010, will soon come to an end. So, here come those New Year’s resolutions. I am going to get more involved in church! I am going to be a better person! It’s going to be a great year!
Oh, we are always setting such high goals for the new year. This is our chance to remember and reflect on the past several months, but go into the new year with a positive attitude that we can make it better. There is often no harm in any of that. Or at least there doesn’t seem to be. It’s always good to have a positive attitude. But, we seem to go into to this thinking, “Now what can I do, to be a better person?”. So, here it is, we are going to start off the year by focusing on ourselves. Granted, some of these things would be nice, if you could start doing them. But, there is many problems with these resolutions still. Committing to begin reading the Bible and praying everyday, at the start of the year is great. But, God demands that you do it NOW! We need not put off what needs to be done today, for then tomorrow will soon also be put off.
Also, with New Year resolutions we have this whole attitude where, “Well, I gave it my best, it didn’t work out. I’ll try again next year.” With little things like lose weight and all maybe that’s fine. But, often we are taking things that God commands us to do, and making light of them. Following God is not a game! Following God, should be our desire, our passion, our entire life, every breath step of it. In the Mark 8:34, it says, “Then He called the crowd to Him along with His disciples and said: ‘If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.’” No where in Scripture does it tell us to just follow Christ until things get tough, or until it becomes an inconvenience. We are called to follow Him, today, and tomorrow. So, to say next year I will do this or that for God, while we say it with good intentions, we are wrong.
I have spent a lot of time reading, thinking, and praying about what area of my life I can change to grow closer to God over the next year and beyond. Reading the Bible, praying, being more involved in church, and so on are all great things. But, they are also things that we ought to already be doing. I wanted to do something though, that I would have to fully rely on God to prevail. Something that would bring glory to Him, rather than have the focus on myself. I desire to find a way that God can change me on the inside.
I believe that there is a way to do that, because I have found it, and have already began to apply it to my life. Most people if they were given the opportunity by God, to decide how their 2011 went would fill it with material things. “God, I want a new car, a nice house, a new career, I want to win the lottery. I want to meet the perfect mate, have a child, have a happy marriage, and I want to be closer to You.” It sounds good! So, the commitment that I made, I am about to present to you, may be hard to swallow.
I believe that we need to change our prayer lives, entirely! So, often our prayers, consist of a quick thanks to God, and then we focus on all the things we want. It is time we stop this, and focus our prayers on praising God, and….here comes the hard part, praying for trials and hardships. Look back at your life. At what points in your life did you grow closer to God? Was it when you got a raise at work? No. But, it was during that time, where you lost your dad, or you lost your job. See, when life is going good, we may remember to thank God, but that is also the time we grow apart from God. Yet, when we are being faced with pain and troubles, we quickly run to God, because we are not strong enough to make it on our own. Right there, in those times of hurt, that is where we grow the most.
So, are you ready to grow closer to God? That means that it is time to get uncomfortable, and give up complete control. It’s scary when you think about. If I ask God to bring hardships into my life, what will happen? Will my marriage fall apart? Will I lose a child? What will happen? Maybe it’s not worth it, when thinking twice about it. But, that is it. In this world, it is not easy to follow God, we are not of this world. We are not strong enough to face any trial thrown our way, that is if we go at it alone. God promises to protect you and guide you if you allow Him to be the driver. He wants to draw you closer to Him. However, it’s during our lowest times in life that we grow the most in all areas.
Looking at the two options of different types of prayer. I would much rather live my life here on earth in turmoil, where I am comforted and guided by Christ. Than to live a life in luxury, and worldliness happiness, and never know the true love, and compassion of such a gracious God. So, starting today, starting right now wherever you may be, will you let God change you? It is not going to be easy, but as long as you continue to lean on God, He will carry you through.
In the famous poem, “Footprints”, it says, “The Lord replied, "My precious child. I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering when you saw only one set of footprints...That was when I carried you." One day, when you reflect on those “Footprints” of yours with God, and you notice that a point in your life there is only one set of footprints and it remains only one set throughout your life. When you ask God, “Why is it that nearly my entire life you carried me?” He will reply, “Precious child, that was when you changed your prayers and trusted me.” See, I honestly believe that, there shouldn’t be two sets of prints. When I picture myself in that setting, I believe we should be like a young child closely following behind our Daddy, placing our feet where He stepped first, and in the times where we are scared and tired we should be in His hands.
2011 is just around the corner, many of you already know what your resolution is. But, why not start not. Pray the prayer, that will change your life forever. Starting today, rely on God, and begin to feel a peace and hope beyond understanding.
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